48 – Fandom and Public Identity Roundtable

Consulting Fans Chelsea, Leanne, Lilo, Songlin, and Finnagain talk about how their fandom lives are linked or kept separate from their more public identitiesListen here or download. This edit is the extended cut of the conversation, released as Episode 48A.

  • Rainbow Rowell and Fangirl (Interview)
  • Shiggins is Sherlock Holmes/Billy Wiggins. There were no fics of the pairing published at the time or recording
  • Powers of Expression to be launched soon.

This segment was originally posted on April 1, 2016 in Episode 48: Ass Crack April. It may have been remastered for audibility.

Production Credits
Producer/Editor: Finnagain
Banner Art: Fox Estacado
Distribution funded by fans!


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How to Cite
Three Patch Productions (Producer). (2016, April 1). Fandom and Public Identity Roundtable. Three Patch Podcast Episode 48: Ass Crack April.  Podcast segment retrieved from https://www.three-patch.com/casefiles//48-id-rt