Segment categories

In every episode of the Three Patch Podcast, we share anywhere from three to fifteen different segments. The segments in this archive are specifically the longer ones: Roundtables, Interviews, Live Panels, Consulting Crafters, etc. To cut down on the work (sorry!) segments like the Host openings, Coroners Reports, and top tens are not included, however these can still be in the original complete episodes on our main blog. And fic recs can be tracked down via the master That’s My Division rec list.

  • 243 Types of Tobacco Ash : Consulting fan Methleigh describes Sherlock Holmes’s special skills and how to acquirement.
  • A Study in Fanfic : Three to five consulting fans discuss a work of fan fiction, digging deep into the content and style of a favourite story.
  • Consulting Travelers : Consulting fans share tips and stories about traveling to Sherlock related locations. So mostly London.
  • Consulting Writers : Consulting fan Roane discusses different challenges in writing fan fiction with other writers.
  • Drunk Canon : A Sherlockian spin on drunk history, consulting fan Chelsea helps a fellow fan through the process of recounting a story from the Arthur Conan Doyle catalogue of Sherlock Holmes stories.
  • Elephant in the Room : Consulting fans open up on difficult topics in fandom by telling their experiences and listening to each other.
  • Event report : Consulting fans bring back word from fannish events they’ve attended such as conventions and meet ups.
  • Extreme Crafting : Crafty fans share their techniques and tribulations from making fannish material things, like cosplay and food.
  • Geek Interpreter : Fans are gathered to discuss the larger story on some aspect of fandom, like the history of slash or queerness in fandom spaces
  • Live Panel : Recordings of panels and discussion amongst fans at conventions like 221b con.
  • One on One : Dialogues on fandom topics
  • Opinion : Consulting fans sharing thier own opinions about important issues in fandom
  • Reaction Roundtable : Consulting fans reacting to the latest piece of canon, within hours of watching a new episode.
  • Reichenbach Fallout : From the second great haitus, consulting fans working through the theories and possibilities of what may follow the Reichenbach Fall.
  • Review : Consulting fans sharing their reviews of works related to the Sherlock fandom.
  • Roundtable : Consulting fans discussing everything from the Music of Sherlock to Omegaverse.
  • Science of Seduction : Consulting fans dig into the details of favourite ships between the characters of Sherlock BBC (or associated works).
  • Skit Comedy : Funny bits and absurd audio from our fannish selves.
  • Sorting Sherlock : Consulting fans discussing individual characters of Sherlock BBC and trying to sort them into Hogswarts Houses. Spoiler alert: we never agree.
  • Talking about my genre : Consulting fans discuss favourite genres of fan works, like Unilock.
  • The Notebook of Kitty Riley : Interviews with fellow fans such as fan artists, fan group organisers, and fan fiction authors.
  • WBSL Radio : Consulting fans Chelsea and B share playlists inspired by BBC Sherlock and episode themes.