All of Hooper's lab reports pertaining to Berlynn Wohl Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | RSS | More  Consulting Writers: Comedy, Crack, and Filk (1:50:25)↑ Fandom Writers Alexxphoenix42, Berlynn Wohl, and ChrisCalledMeSweetie talk about how they write their funny stuff. Berlynn Wohl Mad Scientists Need Love Too by Berlynn Wohl Oh, Doctor Watson! by […]

117 – Consulting Writers: Comedy, Crack, and Filk

Plot what plot? Fans discuss the PWP form of fanfic and its importance in our fandom lives. Listen here or download. Shownotes: Consulting Fans: Berlynn Wohl, Urban Hymnal, Michi-the-Killer, Cookie Producer/Editor: Vex Slam poetry on fanfic and porn TPP Fandom and Sexuality survey [1][2] The NEW Sherlock Kinkmeme “The Handmaiden” […]

63 – Live from 221B Con: PWPs

Panelists discuss Sherlock Holmes and John Watson: why do we love them so? Listen here or download. Shownotes: Consulting Fans: Berlynn Wohl, Chelsea, Boomsherlocka Producer/ Editor: Finnagain Berlynn Wohl’s 73 Johnlock fics Live from Sherlock Seattle: Transposing Sherlock to Different Cultures Will Ferrell’s 2018 “Holmes and Watson“ This segment was […]

63 – Live from 221B Con: The Detective and His Blogger

Consulting Fan Olivia interviews fan crafter Berlynn Whol. Listen here or download. This segment was first release on March 1st, 2013 in Episode 3: March Moriarty Madness at 1:12:39 time stamp. It has been remastered for audibility. Shownotes: -Tumblr: -AO3: -DeviantArt: -NORWESCON: Music Credit Unless otherwise indicated, music is available […]

3 – Notebook of Kitty Riley: Berlynn Wohl