All of Hooper's lab reports pertaining to episode 63

Panelists discuss drugs and poisons in ACD’s time, in the Sherlock Holmes canon, and in subsequent adaptations. Listen here or download. Shownotes: Consulting Fans: Smirk, Monica Schmidt, Christopher Zordan Producer: Finnagain, Editor: Caroline The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, by Nicholas Meyer Chasing Heroin (Frontline NBC on opiates) and accompanying article DEA schedule […]

63 – Live from 221B Con: Drugs and Poisons

Plot what plot? Fans discuss the PWP form of fanfic and its importance in our fandom lives. Listen here or download. Shownotes: Consulting Fans: Berlynn Wohl, Urban Hymnal, Michi-the-Killer, Cookie Producer/Editor: Vex Slam poetry on fanfic and porn TPP Fandom and Sexuality survey [1][2] The NEW Sherlock Kinkmeme “The Handmaiden” […]

63 – Live from 221B Con: PWPs

Live from 221B Con 2017, panelists discuss the characters of BBC Sherlock, identification with them, and how that affects their relationship with fandom. Listen here or download. Shownotes: Consulting Fans: Finnagain, Smirk, B, AlexxPhoenix42, Caroline, and Chelsea Producer/Editor: Drinkingcocoa John never makes tea meta post This segment was first released […]

63 – TPP Live: Identifying with Characters

Panelists discuss Sherlock Holmes and John Watson: why do we love them so? Listen here or download. Shownotes: Consulting Fans: Berlynn Wohl, Chelsea, Boomsherlocka Producer/ Editor: Finnagain Berlynn Wohl’s 73 Johnlock fics Live from Sherlock Seattle: Transposing Sherlock to Different Cultures Will Ferrell’s 2018 “Holmes and Watson“ This segment was […]

63 – Live from 221B Con: The Detective and His Blogger